

Physical location

University of San Francisco, California
Mission Bay campus
Genentech Hall N376 (lab)
Genentech Hall N372B (Jeannette’s office)

Mailing address

Attn: Tenthorey Lab, UCSF
600 16th St, Rm N376
San Francisco, CA 94143

415-514-3159 (Jeannette’s office)


We are currently recruiting members at all levels. Please reach out as follows:

Postdoctoral fellows: Please email Jeannette ([email protected]) with a current CV, a description of your research interests and what drew you to our lab (< 1 page), and contact information for 3 professional references.

Graduate students: We admit Ph.D. students through several graduate programs at UCSF, including Tetrad, Biophysics, and BioMedical Sciences, although students from other UCSF graduate programs are welcome to inquire. If you are already at UCSF and interested in rotating, please contact Jeannette ([email protected]). Prospective Ph.D. students should apply to a UCSF graduate program (we recommend one of the above), and can meet Jeannette to discuss the lab and research interests during the interview stage. For resources on how to apply to PhD programs, including a timeline of the process and example application statements, please check out Científico Latino's Graduate Student Mentorship Initiative.

Research technicians: Research technicians in the Tenthorey Lab often have some undergraduate experience in a laboratory setting, are motivated to take on their own (mentored) research project, and are excited to commit to supporting research in the Tenthorey Lab as a whole. Interested candidate should apply via the UCSF Recruitment Portal.

Undergraduate students: If you are interested in a summer internship or part-time research during the school year, please contact Jeannette directly ([email protected]) to discuss research opportunities. In your email, please indicate what drew you to the lab.