Lab News





July 31, 2024

Today we say goodbye to our spring/summer undergraduate students, Sadaf and Christina. We hope you had a blast and wish you the best in your future science careers!







July 22, 2024

The first annual Tenthorey lab retreat couldn't have landed on a more beautiful day.

We'll also take this opportunity to officially welcome Chang as our first graduate student!





June 7, 2024

Bon voyage to our rotons, Kevin and Michelle. Best of luck beginning your thesis research, and we're glad you're not going far!




October 31, 2023

How do you like our pumpking carving skills?




September 5, 2023

In one day, we say goodbye to one treasured lab member and welcome another. Goodbye, Eric, we'll miss you! And welcome, Hayley, we're thrilled you're joining us!






July 10, 2023

Welcome, Ishrak, first research specialist in the lab! We're glad to see you're already having fun!





July 3, 2023

Welcome, Eric, our first rotation student (and first person to pick up a pipette in the lab!) Looking good :)
















April 1, 2023

The Tenthorey Lab opens its doors!
April fools, it was actually Monday, April 3.
This is the cleanest it will ever look.